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Tattoo Artist Shayleigh Roelofse

Thriving on the challenge of creating Fine-line and Realistic tattoos, we bring you Shayleigh Roelofse as our featured Tattoo Artist. Find our more about her and her work below.
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Introducing Shayleigh Roelofse as our featured tattoo artist

Full name: Shayleigh Roelofse

Shop: Sin on Skin

Years tattooing: 4 years

Tattoo style: Fine-line and Realism

Hourly rate: R800

Our weekly tattoo artist featured brought to you by Zappa SambucaMeet Shayleigh Roelofse as our featured tattoo artist

How would you best sum up your personality in one sentence?
I think I’m pretty chill in general, but extremely ambitious otherwise.

What first attracted you to the tattoo industry, and explain your passion for it now?
Before I got into tattooing I used to do commission drawings, so was always interested in the creative field. After getting my first tattoo I loved the idea of being able to create artworks for people that would last with them forever. Ever since getting into tattooing the passion has grown and I fall in love with the industry more and more every day.

Give us some insight into you journey of becoming a full time tattoo artist?
I started off my apprenticeship at 19 years old at Sin on Skin under the mentorship of Jake, from there it was just a lot of watching and learning from the artists around me, as well as practicing on myself and willing victim’s until Jake felt I was at a level good enough to start doing simple pieces on customers. From there I just made sure to constantly be pushing myself to learn more and do better until I reached where I am today.

Shayleigh Roelofse placing the tattoo stencil on a client

What did you enjoy most about your learning process?
For me personally I was lucky to have a very good relationship with my mentor, so whilst I was learning there were constant laughs and it was always easy to ask questions and feel involved in the shop, even as an appy.

What style of tattoo do you enjoy creating the most, and why?
My favourites are definitely Fine-line and Realistic pieces. I just love the challenge of it, trying to get it as perfect as possible.

When not tattooing, what do you like to do with your down time?
I’m known as quite a workaholic out of work, so generally designing pieces whilst bingeing Netflix, otherwise you’ll probably see me out with mates on Saturday evenings.

Interview with tattoo artist Shayleigh RoelofseWe talk tattoo and more with artist Shayleigh Roelofse

How do you like to make sure you keep progressing as an artist?
I’m either constantly stalking artists I admire to try pick up new techniques or I’m learning from the artists around me. In between clients I’m always watching my colleagues to try pick up as much as I can.

What have been some of your highlight creations that you are most proud of?
A few of my favourites would need to be some of the animal pieces I have done. I love trying to get the hair textures as detailed as I can and getting as much life in the eyes as possible

How do you see the tattoo industry evolving in the next 10 years?
The possibilities are endless. If you look back 10 years at the best of the best next to what people are doing now, it’s not even a comparison, and now that tattooing is becoming more and more mainstream it’s only going to get better from here.

Shayleigh Roelofse working our of Sin on Skin Tattoos in Durban

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I have a few artists worldwide who’s work I find unbelievable. I try to look at their work to push me to get closer and closer to what they are able to achieve.

Explain the experience of working out of Sin on Skin?
I’ve loved every moment, all of my colleagues are easy to speak to and we’re constantly joking around and having fun every day. I’ve learned everything I know starting at this shop and am still learning every day from the guys I work with.

Shayleigh Roelofse tattooing a client at Sin on Skin in DurbanShayleigh Roelofse enjoying some down time between tattooing

For anyone wanting to book an appointment with you, what’s the next step?
Simply contact me on Instagram @shaytattoos with any ideas you have and we can make a plan.

Sin on Skin
Contact: 083 700 0459
Address: 24A Glenwood Village, Moore Road, Glenwood, Durban
Facebook Instagram | Website 

Tattoos by Shayleigh Roelofse

Tattoos done by Shayleigh RoelofseA selection of tattoos done by Shayleigh RoelofseTattoo work done by Shayleigh Roelofse
Photos by Ballyhoo Agency.

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