Mai Sayag graces our pages as this week’s LW Babe of the Week. Get to know more about Mai in our interview below, where we chat photo-shoots, sex appeal, daily life and more…
Full name: Mai Sayag
Nickname: Mai-Mai
Age: 20
Hometown: Johannesburg
Day job: Student at UCT
Likes: Summer, sneakers, art and animals
Dislikes: Guys who catcall women
Special talents: I can move each of my eyebrows separately… is that a talent? [laughs]
Give us a quick introduction to Mai?
I am a third year psychology student at the University of Cape Town who loves to travel, model and spend time with my friends and family. I recently pursued my childhood dream of becoming a model, and I’m loving my experience so far. I’m really curious, adventurous and eager to learn new things (an obvious sagittarius). If you know me, you know that I’m very sensitive, but I’m also able to laugh at my bad experiences.
Tell us something that most people don’t know about you?
Most people don’t know that I’m bilingual. My family is Israeli, so I speak both English and Hebrew.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
I hope to be living with my boyfriend, and an adorable rescue dog. I see myself having an established career in modelling and art therapy.
What does a day in your life usually consist of?
I usually complete my university work for the day, then I make time to see my friends and family. I usually make art most days, it’s what keeps me sane.
What’s your take on the year 2020?
Even though 2020 has been a disaster of a year, it has taught us so many lessons – to live in the moment, appreciate the small things, and to stop taking things considered “normal” for granted. In the end, we will all come out of this chaos much stronger and more united.
What are your pros and cons of social media, and which platform is your favourite?
My favourite platform is definitely Instagram (@mai_sayag). I am the kind of person who thinks and learns visually, and so Instagram is my ultimate app.
I think the pros of social media, especially Instagram, is that models, photographers and brands can conduct business through the apps. However, social media has many cons. Most of the pictures we see on social media are heavily edited and photoshopped, which is dangerous for the youth who grow up seeing these “perfect” people 24/7. That’s why I try to fill my instagram feed with people and brands who are body positive, and don’t promote only one body type.
Living in the Mother City, what are some of your favourite social things to do in your free time?
I moved to Cape Town from Johannesburg, so I appreciate the beach more than anything. Any chance I can get, I’ll be at the beach trying to catch a tan. I also love going on drives to viewpoints that showcase Cape Town in all its glory, such as Signal Hill.
How would you best describe the feeling of being in front of the camera?
The feeling is pretty indescribable – I feel like a completely different person. Normally, I’m quite shy and nervous, but when I step in front of the camera I feel extremely confident and relaxed.
Explain the experience of shooting with Epix Shoots for this feature?
Shaun is one of a kind. He honestly makes it hard to shoot with anyone else. He makes you feel 100% more confident and beautiful, and his photography skills are incredible. He’s also very honest and open, which makes working with him all the more amazing.
What’s your idea of sex appeal?
Confidence is the ultimate key. In my opinion, the more confident you are the more sex appeal you have.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
My eating habits. I love my junk food [laughs].
Leave us with some words of inspiration?
A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we mention:
Sweet? White chocolate.
Irritating? People who smack their lips when they eat.
Attractive? Good fashion sense.
Vacation? My ultimate favourite destination – Thailand.
Seductive? People who take care of themselves emotionally.
Self love? My goal in life – to love myself 100%.
Photos by Epix Shoots | Instagram.