The fun loving, bubbly and downright hot Donique Leonard features as our LW Babe of the Week. Get to know a bit about her in our interview below…
Full name: Donique Leonard
Age: Stopped counting at 21
Hometown: Mossel Bay
Day job: Makeup artist
Likes: Summer, food, my fiancé, animals and lots of wine
Dislikes: Being cold and hungry
Special talents: I’m a really good painter
Give us a quick introduction to Donique?
Loving, bubbly lady who finds confidence behind a makeup brush. Creating magic, enhancing beauty and giving confidence to all the faces she touches. Introverted extrovert with a caring soft heart. Passion for fashion and all things beautiful.
If you could relate your personality to any TV character, who would it be?
No one, as I haven’t found someone like me yet.
What one piece of advice would you give your 16 year old self?
Always be the hardest worker, it’s hard to beat someone who never gives up.
Tell us something that most people don’t know about you?
I don’t eat meat, and I have a massive phobia for grasshoppers, it called Orthopterophobia!
How do you prepare for a photo shoot, and what goes through your mind when you are posing for the camera?
I am a massive procrastinator when it comes to myself, for a client I’ll prepare a week in advance, but for myself I just go with the flow. When posing I become very strategic on how to pose, what “look and feel” I want to portray and will it work with the theme or layout of shoot.
What has been one of your most memorable shoots to date?
I love them all.
Being a makeup artist yourself, what are some of the most intricate creations you have made?
I have so many that I love. My Pride look has def been one of my favourites.
What style of makeup do you specialise in and where do you see the career taking you?
I specialise in Bridal, beauty makeup, but love to play with creative makeup looks.
Where I am going with my career we will need to wait and see, follow my journey on Instagram @doniqueleonard.
What does a day in the life of Donique usually consist of?
I am such a boring person! [Laughs] I eat, work and daydream.
What are the top five things on your bucket list?
I don’t really have a bucket list, Im more of a goal list girl. But, traveling to Bali and Turkey is definitely on my bucket list
What are you looking forward to enjoying most once life returns back to some type of normality?
Being busy. I love my job!
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we mention:
Makeup? Is my life.
Preparation: Is key.
Seductive? How do you do that?
Desire? For success and smashing goals.
Addiction? Food.
Photos by Carlos Frazao Photography | Instagram.