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Vincent Leygonie Talks Park Lines BMX Tournament 2022

Vincent Leygonie always brings the heat to BMX contests, and the 2022 Park Lines BMX Tournament was no different. Riding as the defending champ, Vin put it all on the line to place 2nd in the Pro Final.
Vin chats to us about his experience at Park Lines, expectations, and more…

Vincent Leygonie talks Park Lines BMX Tournament 2022

Full name: Vincent Leygonie

Hometown: Krugersdorp, Gauteng

Years riding: The big 10 years

Claim to fame: Low and slow? Kidding just going fast and having fun

Sponsors: Dragon Energy Drink

Vincent Leygonie riding the Stoneridge skatepark Vincent Leygonie riding the 2022 Park Lines course

How would you best sum up your experience at Park Lines 2022?
Wild! I saw some of the best riding from South Africans! Everyone stepped up a level and made a wild day.  Just a fun and wild day.

What was your highlight moment of the day, and why?
I think for me personally it was during best trick, I had to sit it out due to injury, however I honestly couldn’t comprehend what I was watching. On one hand we had crazy flips going on and the other hand we had Greg (Illingworth) battling a whip transfer on the wildest gap at the park. Then Murray (Loubser) just casually blowing our minds.

Coming into the contest, what were your expectations and were they reached?
I had zero expectations rolling into the event. I had a lot of pressure coming in as the defending champ, so instead of adding to the pressure I just came in expecting a good time. Obviously would’ve loved to win it again but I think I did better than I expected, even though I came 2nd. So definitely had exceeded my expectations!

Vincent Leygonie at the 2022 Park Lines BMX Tournament courseVincent Leygonie competing at Park Lines 2022

What was it like to ride the legendary Stoneridge park again? 
You said it’s yourself. It was legendary! We got to ride a park that got many riders into riding bikes and where I made almost every single riding friend I have. On top of that, it was great to ride and do transfers that I dreamt of doing when I started riding. It felt like I was ticking things off from my bucket list.

Which riders impressed you the most and why?
Greg (Illingworth) blew my mind. He made every high speed transfer look like a tiny gap.
Murray (Loubser) after coming back from a crazy injury and putting us all to shame with his riding talent.
Dylan (van Belkum) impressed me by putting solid runs together and being the only South African at the moment doing weird flips and spins.
Jak (Tones), the dude stayed with me all week and just made some big tricks look effortless. Then sending massive tricks just because of the hype of the crowd.
I don’t have enough space as everyone stepped up so hard I couldn’t believe the level of riding!

Bowl riding with Vincent Leygonie at Park LinesVincent Leygonie turndown at Park Lines 2022

What do you feel an event like Park Lines does for BMX in South Africa and where would you like to see it go?
I love how it brings all South Africans together regardless of how long ago they last rode. I saw so many guys that I used to ride with when I first started. It also gives BMX the chance to be seen by the public eye. BMX needs to be seen to be enjoyed and I think based on crowd and the coverage of the event, BMX got the recognition it deserves.
I’d like to see this event grow to where we can have a few events a year, potentially have it become a series of events that lead to one main final, where it would be a UCI point event. But, I’d just be happy to see the event hosted as a starting point for the next generation of riders.

What would you like to see added to the next Park Lines BMX Tournament? 
Stoneridge! I would like to see Stoneridge return! Other than that, hopefully this year’s edition can catch the attention of other companies and get them involved in Action Sports, creating a larger  group of riders.

Vincent Leygonie riding at the 2022 Park Lines BMX TournamentVincent Leygonie tail whip at Park Lines

What’s next for Vincent Leygonie?
Hopefully I can get out to the UK to film some video parts with Jak Tones and compete out that side. Otherwise I want to continue hosting smaller events to get kids on bikes and just have events for the BMX scene to grow. Hopefully get involved with some new cool companies.

Any shout-outs?
Obviously Ryan from LW Mag for making this event happen. Steven from Dragon Energy for treating me and Jak like kings over the event week. Taz (Vin’s girlfriend) for dealing with my bromance with Jak. Then to every single person who’s helped me grow into the rider I am today!

Vincent Leygonie enjoying a pack of Willards at Park Lines BMX TournamentPark Lines BMX Tournament 2022 Pro riders podium

#ParkLines BMX Tournament presented by LW Mag and Dragon Energy in association with DickiesGarminGoProMongoose Bikes and Willards.

Photos by Eric Palmer.

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