Introducing Berdine as our LW Babe of the Week. Get to know more about this full time International Model / Law Student in our interview below.
Full name: Berdine
Nickname: Bee
Age: 25
Hometown: Johannesburg
Day job: International Model/ Final year Law Student
Likes: Dogs
Dislikes: Coriander
Special talents: I’m really good in the kitchen. I love cooking for the people I adore
Give us a quick introduction to Berdine?
I am an over-thinker, who is always hungry and constantly craves authenticity.
What does a day in your life usually consist of?
I start my day with coffee in bed with my dog Yalla, when I am home and not working internationally. I then attempt a workout and then I’m off to castings or work. This is obviously my usual daily routine but 2020 has been very far from the usual!
What drives you?
Uh, motivational quotes on Instagram [laughs]. No, my passion and love for what I do.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you?
I hold the U11 record for backstroke at school.
Which Movie/ TV character do you feel best portrays your personality?
Alexis Rose from Schitt’s Creek. I am a sassy, chic mess who loves incredibly hard.
How would you best sum up the year 2020?
The year society was made aware of everything that is wrong with humankind.
What do you like most about being in front of the camera?
Playing the character of a woman who is fiercely confident in her own skin.
Explain one of your most memorable shoots and what aspects you enjoyed about it?
Shooting an international editorial in beautiful lingerie on the beach in Cape Town with a team from Europe.The winds were raging but we made it work and the pictures were strangely serene.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
My ability to fall madly in love at first sight.
When meeting someone for the first time, what do you normally take into account?
Their teeth.
What is one of the craziest things you’ve ever experienced?
The first snow of the Christmas Season in Venice.
What are the top five things on your bucket list?
Travel Destinations – Japan, Bali, Greece, Israel and Paris.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we mention:
Attractive? Personality.
Sultry? Eyes.
Blushing? Cheeks.
Addictive? Netflix.
Holiday? Family.
Goals? Happiness.
Photos by Carlos Frazao Photography | Instagram.