A self admitted wild-child, part time Sex Editor, and all -round belter – we bring you Christelle du Plessis as our LW Babe of the Week.
Full name: Christelle du Plessis
Nickname: Klynkie
Age: 27
Hometown: Mafikeng, North West
Day job: Sex Editor for Bloss Magazine (Part time) and Corporate Board Support Assistant (full time)
Likes: Music, writing, cooking, socialising and a good old movie night
Dislikes: Arrogant people, the sound of someone chewing gum with their mouth open, and when Don comes home with another Gibson guitar
Special talents: Depends on what you’d classify a special [laughs]. I can hold both legs behind my head, I am actually a really great cook, and I can fit my mouth over the top of a brandy glass.
How would you best introduce yourself to our readers?
I am a wild-child. Always have been and always will be. There are very few risks that I have not taken and very few obstacles that scare me. I am passionate, outgoing, loud and unashamed to speak my mind.
What drives you?
Passion! I am a very passionate person, in all aspects. When I set my mind to something, I do whatever I need to do in order to achieve it. No matter how long that may take or how little I may be doing at the time. Another part that drives me is when people underestimate me. I left home at a young age, which came with a lot of challenges, and since then, every time people doubt in my ability to achieve something, it motivates me even more.
Which celebrity would best portray your personality in a movie about you?
Sarah Butler starring as Jennifer Hills in I Spit On Your Grave. Like her, I too have been a victim of sexual abuse and have absolutely no sympathy for any man who abuses a woman, be it physically, sexually or emotionally. She set her mind to brutally killing every single one of her attackers and carried through with it despite her hurt and fear, and lived her life to the fullest thereafter. Disclosure, I have not murdered anyone… yet [wink wink].
Tell us something most people don’t know about you?
I am a natural blonde farm girl who grew up around pig poop and the sound of roosters as a child. I am also an aspiring motivational speaker who lives to inspire young woman who, like a younger me, have nowhere to run to.
What advice would you like to give your 16 year old self?
Appreciate the simpler times and stand up for yourself. Speak when you are not okay and celebrate when you are. Stop trying to grow up so fast and embrace being young while it lasts.
Engaged to Don Cobra of the band L.A. Cobra, give us some insight into the life of a rock star’s partner?
I have been asked this numerous times and the funny thing is, apart from the odd fan girl sliding in a dodgy DM from time to time, it’s like being the partner of any other man, except a whole lot more exciting and fun. It has its challenges, as with any relationship, but his “rock star” title doesn’t keep us from living a normal life.
What are some of the craziest things you’ve experienced while on tour with the band?
I have only joined Don on his solo Europe tour in 2019 and let me tell you, it is not as glamorous and easy as it looks on TV. Three things come to mind when I think back on the tour:
- Seeing how so many fans travelled from afar to see him perform. Some even travelled 200km one way. Real passionate fans who, in the end, become friends.
- I got a little too high on a space cake in a bar in Amsterdam and ended up in the back of a Mercedes Vito Van that charged us €50 for a 2km drive back to our hotel. I missed the whole red light district part, this pissed me off more than anything else.
- After a gig in Katwijk (Netherlands), I ended up being the only women in a random hotel room filled with some of the craziest, coolest guys, including Don of course – one being a Machine Gun Kelly look alike, which, when you are drunk, is so much cooler. We got drunk on whatever there was to drink and only got home at 5am the next morning with another gig to get to straight from there
What does a day in the life of Christelle usually consist of?
Work, work and some more work. After it all, a good snuggle session with Don and our Bullterrier, Goa.
If you could live out your dream holiday, where and what would it consist of?
Island hopping, sipping on cocktails and stuffing my face into seafood. Also, if I could, a trip to Finland to explore Moominland.
Which is your favourite hangout destination in SA?
Fokfobar in Lynnwood, Pretoria.
What is your idea of sex appeal?
A confident man who, despite whatever flaws he may or may not have, is 100% authentic and himself. Confidence is the key.
What was the last thing that made you blush?
I am generally not someone who blushes easily so this is a hard one to answer.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we mention:
Seductive? Eyes.
Photo shoots? Comfortability.
Rock bands? Cocaine.
Turn on? Lips.
Turn off? Cocky men.
Social media? The devil’s beautiful child.
Photos by Carlos Frazao Photography | Instagram.